iDisplay App Reviews

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Bad support

This application is not well supported. The desktop version cannot be installed in Snow Leopard, instead, must use the old version. As a result, the load was very slow, and when I used Keynote for presentation, i dont have enough VRAM on my computer. Please give back my money!


基本的に使えるアプリだと思います。 PCはMacBook Proで、iPad miniで使用してますが、自宅Wi-FiやiPhoneのテザリングでは問題なく動作します。 が、Wi2などの公共無線環境だと動作しないため、USBやBluetoothでPCに接続できるようにして欲しいです。。出先で使うことが多いので、切に願います そうすれば星5つですね


とても重宝してます。 Splashtopよりもこちらの方が綺麗に映ります。 Single Windowモード時でもiPad側である程度操作できるとより嬉しい。

Windows 8.1 + GeForce 780では動かなかった

Windows 8.1とGeForce 780の組み合わせでは半端なミラーモードのみ動作し、拡張モードは一切動かなかった。事実上使い物にならなかった。

Doesnt extend desktop

Doesnt extend desktop at all. It just mirrors it poorly. iPad Air and Windows 8


This was a waste of my time. I was unable to get it up and running.


全くもって話にならない。 良く販売できたもんだ。 This application was a waist of my time and my money, Why connect only WiFi? I’m never buy this company. I’m so anger!!!!!

iDisplay Server

$ /Applications/ Server ; exit; 2016-10-08 20:04:43.538 iDisplay Server[1698:507] Invalid color System, labelColor (warning given only once) Assertion failed: (tokenCount < maxCountIncludingZeroTerminator - 1), function CUIRenditionKeySetValueForAttribute, file /SourceCache/CoreUI/CoreUI-231.1/CoreTheme/ThemeStorage/CUIThemeRendition.m, line 136. Abort trap: 6 logout


The worst ever 20 liras I have given in my life!

Not working on Win8

I got blue screen on my Win8 pc several times

Not worth your money at the moment

I wish I bought the alternative app (duet display). This doesnt work reliably under windows. Normal mode crashes windows. It uses too much cpu in the background. With the latest update it stopped working completely. I wonder if I can get a refund.

NOT SUPPORT MacBookPro Retina!

I purchased this app by recommendation at habrahabr. Dont do it if you have Retina! It is simply not supported!!! Your Mac switched to lower resolution. RETURN ME MY MONEY!!!


My windows 7 64-bit failed to blue screen of death, while starting a desktop part of this application. Very bad.


Im very disappointed that this potentially cool app doesnt support display expanding in windows 8.1 with Intel HD3000 integrated graphics.

Doesnt work at all

I want only one I want moneyback

Too slow

Too slow on iPhone, seems to watch a replay of the wanted action. Crash often also on iPhone than on Mac. To be improved, much improved.


Con ipad è come avere un monitor touch aggiuntivo !!!!!

Blue screen

Blue screen on my pc every time i try to use it.

Very bad apps

It doesnt allow me to adjust the orientation of the iDisplay on my iPhone.

Too slow...

Ok, now it works with El Capitan... After months I bought the app, now I see that is too slow... For now I think its totally useless... I hope that them will fix it

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